Monday, August 22, 2011

Like Buffy?

check out my other blog for my fan fiction about Faith after season 7 (no actual Buffy season 8 original Buff actually in it either, Faith and a new cast!) please follow, read, and comment...that is if you have something flames please!

Go here....thanks

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rachel Tucker for the 'Wicked' Movie!!

I know that this is completely off-topic from what we usually do, but PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


She looks through the blind lens

Just her, and her heartbeat.

Dances encircle the words that she tastes,
As she writes down unlived memories.

She laughs,
At the light...
Of the jokes of the future.

While she ponders what will become.

She listens to ancient and modern art:
From the consonants that lived, to the one they are all gaga for.

She is moved...
from a distance.

She dreams of understanding, with the name always on her tongue and in her mind.

A peace so deep,
It lives.

She wants:
Humanity's myths.

Because they live...
in the blind lens.

But she knows where to look.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

S-C4R-L3T Chapter 1


Year: 2090
Month: January
Day: The First
Time: 12:00 Am
Location: San Fransisco

Building: Victoria Smith FOUNDATION
Lab-Room: S-C4R-L3T
Area: 8-r0-WN3

Danny Croff looked down at the equation scribbled over the screen in front of her. She bit her lip and pressed her glasses further up her nose’s bridge and pulled her dark hair into a pony tale. It looked like sculpted chocolate in the labs light. Her pale skin almost yellow and bags under her eyes was the only signs that she was tired. Her eyes begged to be shut and her body ached to shut down. Her hand shook and the vile she held nearly spilled on the labs examination slab.

The body on the slab was cold. Her, the body’s, eyes were closed, form in an almost frozen like state. Her chest didn’t move, breath wasn’t programmed yet, movement wasn’t programmed yet.
Danny hick-upped, blood dribbling down her chin and she wiped it away ignoring the pain that was spreading up from her stomach, the bullet hole hidden under her lab coat. Carefully she took the Syringe from the metal tray beside her and prepared it with the red liquid from the vile. Stilling her hand she injected the needle into the body’s temple.

“Please god, let this work.” she whispered. Slowly she watched the liquid empty and she pulled the needle from the skin. Quickly Danny stood and walked to the flickering computer screens. Her hands danced across the material, the screens green back glow bathing her face in light.
Would you like to continue with this program though the frame is unfinished? asked the computer screen. Danny glanced back at the woman lying on the slab, then down at the floor where her own blood dripped. She pressed the small blue button that read-GO. And then blue light flashed though the room.

Year: 2100
Month: January
Day: The First
Time: 12:00 Am
Location: San Fransisco
Street: 15th Avenue
Flat: 2476

"ONE-TWO-THREE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Cheers filled the small apartment along with laughs and girls grabbing their guys to kiss.
“Hey Scarlet, happy New Year!” Jamie called, wading through the sea of people to his girlfriend. Scarlet turned and smiled, her brown hair falling over her shoulder and onto the shining red material of her new party dress. The pain in her feet from her kitty heels and standing all night was just cruel, but when Jamie walked toward her, all was forgotten.
“Hey!” She grinned wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. “Happy New Year to you too. Welcome to 2100.” she whispered in his ear. He brushed her hair from her temples and ran his hands over the tiny scar that lay there.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” she pulled him into a hug. Poppers were let off around them and their second kiss.
The rest of the night, well, morning, was a blur. Scarlets drink addled brain seemed to have only selected certain memories that she would remember. His kisses on her skin, their sweat mixing together, their whispers and gasps melding, so distant and so familiar. The sheets wrapped around her body in the dark, and the feel of cool air on her bare leg that dangled lazily off the edge of the bed, and drifting off into a restful sleep.

“She doesn’t know does she.”
“Croff...she didn’t have enough time?”
“She didn’t have enough blood. All the time in the world...Just not enough blood.”
The dark was only lightened by the blue light from the computer screen. On the screen the two figures lay in a bed, sunrise the only light in their reality.

“Should we te-”
“No. Not yet. Not ‘til we see the whites of of Her eyes.”

P.S. top pic edited by me is belonged by Getta Images